Healing The Woman Inside The Wife

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About The Book
This book was written for wives who are hesitant to share their struggles for fear that no one will understand. The topics covered in this book will speak to the challenges that most wives face while helping them to get clarity about their inner thoughts, feelings and struggles. Beauty In The Brokenness provides relatable stories, challenging questions and thought provoking activities to help wives confront their issues so they can be happy and fulfilled as women and as wives. This book focuses on the following 2 major areas of brokenness that most wives deal with:
Personal Brokenness
Topics covered in this area of brokenness are:
• Confronting the fear of personal failure
• Overcoming personal perfectionism
• Healing from trauma and abuse
• Conquering the fear of rejection
• Obtaining freedom from toxic emotions
• Eliminating body shame and insecurities
• Getting help with secret, destructive habits
Marriage Brokenness
Topics covered in this area of brokenness are:
• Dealing with burn out and emptiness
• How to find romantic fulfillment
• The need to be the perfect wife
• Self-blame and condemnation
• Mending relationships with in-laws
• God versus my husband
• Maintaining personal balance in a broken relationship
Fully Interactive eBook (PDF)
This ebook (PDF) comes uniquely designed for the reader to not only read but also watch or listen to select exclusive content. You can read this ebook from any smartphone device, tablet or computer.
Bonus Content
This book includes a special section for wives who have had infertility issues or have experienced a miscarriage. This is a very special subject to Amanda as she also has dealt with this common struggle.

The Author
Amanda B. Taylor
Amanda Taylor is the co-founder of Mend Our Marriage, creator of the Overflowing Wife brand, co-author of The Faith Full Wife, and best-selling author of the book Motivated to Love.
Through her various channels, she currently works with thousands of wives helping them to understand the importance of obtaining personal healing and wholeness so they can give from the best of themselves in their lives and inside of their marriages.
Amanda is extremely passionate about helping wives to walk in their God-given identity through self-love, self-awareness and self-empowerment.
There Is Beauty In Your Pain
She teaches wives that if they commit to living a life convinced of God’s love for them, they can give from a place of overflow in their relationships without losing themselves. Amanda believes that you can only give away what you have and in all of our pain there is a testimony of triumph and beauty that God wants us to share so others can find their healing.